Very fun character, taking away his seriousness whenever he should be serious. Chris Cooper delivers an Oscar winning performance, and it sure was worthy. His chemistry with himself is incredible its hard to believe they are the same. They are very different personality-wise, Charlie being nervous and frustrated, while Donald is almost too upbeat about everything. Nic Cage gives a redeeming performance and one of the best of his career as both Charlie and Donald. His narration gives us a very detailed guide of his feelings and thoughts. In the end he has learnt his lesson and learnt how to live life.

But the difference to me and Kaufman, is that he finds the way. He worries about the most insignificant things that aren't life-changing. He waits for something to come and change his life for the good but never takes the opportunity. He too is looking for inspiration, something to help achieve his dreams, but he can't seem to find it. Charlie is writing a screenplay based on a book called "The Orchid Thief" is one of the most relatable characters in cinema for me. Nicolas Cage has two parts in this film, Charlie Kaufman and Donald Kaufman, twin brothers. One of the best and definitive films of the 21st Century. Witty, surreal, brilliant, inventive, amazing and most of all the most inspirational film I have ever seen. Jonze and Kaufman have pulled it off again.